In the book of “Palestine’s Children”, each story has a child as the main character; a child who is a victim of political events but participates in the struggle for a brighter future. Like other Kanafani’s novels, these stories practically emphasize on the compensation of the lost homeland's past. The stories are written with such talent that it appeals to the whole world.

According to the report, the titles of the stories in " Palestine’s Children " include " A Present for the Holiday" "paper from Ramleh," "Guns in the Camp," and " Abu al-Hassan Ambushes an English Car." Spatialization and space creation in this collection of stories is one of the positive points and perhaps the unique advantages of the author. Therefore, in the way of reading the stories, there is a feeling of homogenization with the characters, and in the parts where the children are spoken directly, their gaze inadvertently identifies the audience of these children with the children around them, and even investigates it.